Digital for Planet Joins 6G4Society Project: Paving the Way for Sustainable and Inclusive 6G Technology

In the ever-evolving landscape of telecommunications, the race towards the development of 6G technology has gained momentum. As the world anticipates the transformative capabilities of 6G, a crucial project, 6G4Society, kicked-off in January 2024 to address the delicate balance between technological advancements and societal well-being. Digital for Planet joins this groundbreaking Horizon Europe Coordination and Supporting Action initiative leading the Public engagement and community building activities, bringing forth a commitment to redefine the narrative by prioritizing a human-centric approach in the development of 6G. 


The 6G4Society Project: Bridging the Gap

The 6G4Society project acknowledges the inherent tension between the need to achieve optimal technological performance objectives and the imperative to embed societal and sustainable values into the fabric of 6G technology. Recognizing this challenge, the project aims to engage all key stakeholders within the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) ecosystem. The scope of involvement goes beyond industry players to encompass civil society, regulators, policy makers, media, and the public at large. This inclusive approach ensures that accurate and transparent information about the expected impacts of 6G technology is disseminated, fostering a collective understanding of its implications. 

Digital for Planet: A New Player with a Bold Vision

With this project, Digital for Planet’s enters the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking ecosystem with dedicated efforts drawing from the lessons learned from the rollout of 5G, with an emphasis on a sustainability-by-design approach. The consortium boasts a diverse set of skills and competencies, ranging from Social Sciences and Humanities (Cyber Ethics LabPSCE) to technology (NOVAeBOS), networking coordination and management (Martel Innovate), and communication and engagement with Digital for Planet. This diversity ensures a holistic approach to the multifaceted challenges of 6G technology development. 

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